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Not many know that Florida is a philanthropic hub for many foundations. These range from disaster relief, food banks, veteran charities, and animal rescue. There are many foundations worthy of attention, but some stand out more than others. Take a look at some of Florida’s top foundations to donate to:

Charity Cars, Inc

Many families struggle to provide for their families and these hard times can be made even harder when they don’t have a car. Charity Cars, Inc was established in 1996 with a mission to uplift the community and provide struggling families with free donated vehicles as a way to help them in their transition from dependency to self-sufficiency. For many years they have helped families out of poverty. 

Big Cat Rescue

There are many endangered species all around the world. Not many know that many of those endangered species are in the United States and need help. Big Cat Rescue builds enclosures in a very natural habitat with foliage and shelter across 67-acres for abused, abandoned and retired cats. They provide the best care possible for cats such as lions and tigers as well as providing the public with education about these endangered animals to reduce the number of cats that suffer the fate of abandonment or abuse. 

Hunger Fight

Across the nation, many children, seniors, veterans, and homeless people continue to starve. The foundation Hunger Fight has a mission to end hunger and provide an education for seniors, children, and families. The foundation has provided 6,665,000 packaged meals throughout Northeast and Central Florida as well as 2,250 books to preschoolers.

Wounded Warrior Project

Unfortunately, there are many veterans that come home from serving time in the army struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other emotional turmoil. The Wounded Warrior Project has a mission connect with and empower wounded warriors. They provide them and their families with resources and programs to help them live their lives fulfilled and as happy as possible. 

Bikers Against Drunk Driving

Drunk driving has become a major epidemic in the United States. In an effort to spread awareness of the dangers of drunk driving and to help save lives, the Bikers Against Drunk Driving foundation was created. This foundation has over 3 million members who wear patches in an effort to raise awareness and educate others on drunk driving.